It’s time to renew or sign-up for 2020! The dues rate for regular members is $20. The corporate membership rate remains at $80/year. Download the membership form here.
All vegetable and melon growers are welcome to attend the annual membership meeting of the IVGA, Feb. 11, 2020, 11:00 AM-Noon, at the Indianapolis Marriott East. This is right at the start of the Indiana Horticultural Conference and Trade Show.
The IVGA was established to be the Voice for Vegetable Growers in Indiana and is dedicated to the improvement of vegetable production and marketing in Indiana. The IVGA supports education and research about vegetables and melons in Indiana, and as your advocate, the IVGA is your resource to help find solutions for your every day problems.
Join today and be a part of a great team in Indiana!
Recent activities on behalf of Growers in Indiana:
- Special local needs label (24c) for use of herbicide Chateau in melons
Gifts to support research/education projects:
- Building Online Financial Indicators for Local Food Systems (2020)
- Precision Irrigation Management in Indiana Vegetable Farming (2020)
- Online MW Vegetable Production Guide (ID-56) (2018)
- Supporting the Vegetable Industry Success: Marketing Tools for Farm Decision-Making (2017) Farmers Market Price Reports
- Determining the efficacy of a red yeast, Sporobolomyces pararoseus, as a biological control agent on leafy greens and tomato (2015)
- Certification of a GAPs Trainer for Delivery of Produce Food Safety Training (2015)
- Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes Naturally Present on Commercial Cantaloupe Seeds (2014)
- Neonicotinoid Impact on Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) in Cantaloupe Production (2014)
- Listeria monocytogenes Persistence and Movement in Cantaloupe Plants and Fruit (2013)
- Tillage and Cover Crop Effects on Beneficial Insect Larvae (2012)
- A Search for Weedy Sources of Virus Infection in Indiana Cucurbits (2012)